A BLESSEDbeginning is a not-for-profit Christ-centered organization that has been serving the Bonners Ferry community, supporting moms and families, since January 2008. Our services are free and confidential, and we are dedicated to your safety and privacy.
A BLESSEDbeginning, is where you can find help when you need it.
An unplanned pregnancy can leave you feeling surprised, scared, and trapped. We provide, from a Biblical perspective, support and education to those facing situations related to an unintended pregnancy, abortion, sexual health and family life. We are here, ready to help you through these complex situations of life.
It is our wish that you fully understand the facts about what your pregnancy really means, and how it will impact your life. A Blessedbeginning is committed to the sanctity of human life, upholding human life from conception to natural death and encouraging a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Please contact us and let us help you understand all your options.
If we can help you in any way, through childbirth classes, parenting counseling, education and information, please call us at 208-267-1491 or email us at Linda@blessedbeginning.org. We provide free pregnancy testing and limited early ultrasounds, STI/STD testing with referrals for care.
At A Blessedbeginning you will also find free, gently used baby clothing mama and baby items, and so much more! We are currently open Wednesdays and Fridays, 12 noon to 3 pm or by appointment. We look forward to sharing with you.
Come See Us

6530B Washington St Bonners Ferry, Idaho 83805
Wed and Fri 12 Noon to 3 pm Appointments or Drop-ins welcome