Do you have questions about your possible pregnancy? We offer FREE and CONFIDENTIAL pregnancy tests, free limited early ultrasound services. Let us help you determine your health needs.
Call us now at 208-267-1491, or send us an email at
Signs of Pregnancy
During pregnancy, your body goes through many changes. Some common symptoms of early pregnancy include:
• Missed period
• Nausea
• Breast tenderness
• Frequent urination
• Tiredness
• Food cravings or aversions
• Dizziness
• Mood swings
When does pregnancy begin? From the moment the sperm and egg unite, the genetic make-up of your tiny baby is complete. This is the beginning of pregnancy.

If you are concerned that you may be pregnant,
A Blessedbeginning offers free pregnancy tests. Making a decision you feel good about includes getting all the information you need. You don’t have to do this alone. Our counselors care about you. We are ready to help. Call us today 208-267-1491.
If you think you might be pregnant, you need to know:
Are you really pregnant?
How far along are you?
Is an ultrasound something you want?
Do you have a sexually transmitted disease?
Do you need a Birth Plan?
Your health and future are at stake!